Upcoming Performances
Joint Performances
Living Mythologies has performed in joint concerts with 泰然阿修罗,德乌禾, 索玛依然费解, 废墟, 海龟先生, 马頔, 张小饼, 幸福大街, 神话接力, 马赛克, 木推瓜, 郑钓, 叠贵,Chanyuan, DK, Spaceghost (USA), Atoned Splendor (UK), Fugui, Animitta, Shaba (Mexico), Robin Liu, Acid Echoes, Meng, Chirgilchin, Alash Ensemble, Veridian Trio w/Jeff Sessions (Dave Mattews Band), Jaron Freeman-Fox & The Opposite of Everything, Misako Oshiro and Koichi Makigami amongst others.
Special PerformanceS
Living Mythologies has conducted a variety of performances integrated with world-class lectures regarding targeted topics, screenings of the documentary Transethnic Music (created regarding their music), lectures focused on individual members instruments and more in high-level universities, government and/or Ministry of Culture affiliated events as well as corporate enrichment activities.
Performance Archive
BEIJING EZ FM Music Matters "Our World Music"
Mao Wukesong Livehouse (Beijing)
Sunday, Dec. 16th, 2018
Four Seasons as Falling Leaves (Beijing)
Dawn and Dusk Club (DDC)
Friday, Sep. 28th, 2018

HUMAN CONDITIONS EP Release Show (Denver, USA)
Swallow Hill Music (Tuft Theatre)
Friday, Jan. 12th, 2018

Sharq taronalari 2017 (Samarkand, Uzbekistan)
Festival Academic Conference Presentation
Aug. 25th-30th, 2017
Xoomei at the Center of Asia 2017 (Kyzyl, Russia)
Arat Square Finale Concert
Aug. 17th, 2017

Kongor-ool Concert (Kyzyl, Russia)
Tuvan National Theatre
Aug. 16th, 2017
Peking University (Beijing, China)
Dec. 14th, 2016
Academic Performance

Concert of International Guests (Kyzyl, Russia)
Tuvan National Theatre
Aug. 15th, 2017

Xoomei at the Center of Asia (Kyzyl, Russia)
Opening Ceremony
Aug. 14th, 2017
Large Scale Festival Performance

2017 Wumeng Prairie Festival (Guizhou, China)
Apr. 28th-29th, 2017
Large Scale Festival Performance

Mars Club (Beijing, China)
Dec. 17th, 2016
Post-Modern Bar Performance
Dawn and Dusk Club (Beijing, China)
Dec. 16th, 2016
World Music Club Performance

Minzu University of China (Beijing, China) Dec. 13th, 2016
Academic Performance
Mao Livehouse (Hangzhou, China)
Dec. 12th, 2016
Rock Club Performance

Action Music Program at Shanghai World Music Co. (Shanghai, China)
Dec. 12th, 2016
Corporate Media Performance

Oula Art Space (Nanjing, China)
Dec. 10th, 2016
Public Music Lecture/Performance

Onstage (Shanghai, China)
Dec. 9th, 2016
Jazz House Performance
Yelang Valley (Guizhou, China)
Oct. 22nd, 2016
Music Festival Performance