Our Mission
Ideally, watersheds would transcend borders so that parched soils and those who thirst get their fill. Yet dams, dikes, walls, and hoarding often stop those flows. At the same time, underground flows can cross the topography one sees above ground. Even the highest mountain crags lining the borders of a watershed are not necessarily obstacles to underground flows. It is precisely such a force inspiring us to create “underground” music that flows through even what is conventionally regarded as cultural and language barriers very difficult to penetrate. Just as water can be fed into canals to revitalize lands, so too can “musical canals” revitalize cultural-ecosystems. Just as federalism is the basis for autonomy and autonomy the basis of federalism, so too are the structures by which Living Mythologies compose and perform music that embodies a united and cross-engaged form of diversity.
By working example, Living Mythologies aims to promote mutual awareness of the richness of human identity and the creative potential of humanity. Some exchange relies on common language or religions, yet Living Mythologies lend a hand as our approach is one level higher. Our music allows audiences to more directly engage all kinds of language and culture through music. What distinguishes Living Mythologies is the original songwriting with themes reflective of the times yet considerate of a vast array of rather unheard musical and artistic traditions. Powerful stories teach us how to share, and so just as we can find ways to better share in this world, humanity can also continue to strengthen the common spirit needed to share and develop local traditions. The fundamental mission of our music is to further evoke such spirit.
Continue to develop approaches to compose and perform local-crossover music.
Advocate more interest amongst the public in different cultures by showing the talents of the nations represented in the Living Mythologies ensemble.
Engage with more groups advocating inter-faith dialogue.
Do our part to help recreate the relationship between artistic expression, humanism, and cultural research fields.
Promote more unity between different minority nationality groups specifically in the regard of know-how for developing national artistic traditions.
Continue to produce fashionable and compelling music that exemplifies how more unity between minority nationalities and majority nationalities can be achieved.
Continue to identify and connect with what may be best regarded as underground/grassroots networks reminiscent of UNESCO’s ICH initiatives.
Help to develop criterion and common-sense regarding the constituents of transcultural artistic expression and take part in related educational activities.
Showcase our music project via performances in atypical contexts, that is namely outside of western Europe and North America.
Make clear the goodness, goodwill, and capacity for innovative collaboration between citizens of different nation-states such as China, Russia, the U.S.A., Vietnam as well as those from inner Asian states and more.